This product is a simulation of a bomb, and is intended for use
in airsoft and painball games.
The set consists of two devices.
1. „Bomb“

2.„Jammer –

Two game modes:
„Cut the wire“ – players have to disconnect the wires in a certain order, set
by GM, to disarm the bomb.
„Password“ – players have to enter a password to
disarm the bomb.

In case of mistake
when disconnecting the wires or typing the password, the siren is activated.
While player is disconnecting wires or entering a password,
the timer doesn‘t stop. It prevents players from cheating by stretching time.

The device is well packed in a robust plastic case for safe
It is powered by two li-ion batteries, and can be charged
via USB.
The life of a battery is about 10 hours, which is enough for
most usage scenarios.
The device can be turned off only by special key to prevent from unintentional

„Jammer – detector“ –
allows to detect presence of a bomb at a distance up to 100m. in open space.
(Buildings and other obstacles reduces detection range)

The jammer also stops the timer on the main device, untill
the bomb stays in range.
Presence of a bomb is indicated in two ways: by ring of
LEDs, and arrow voltmeter.
There is battery charge indicator on-board.
It is powered by 1400mAh li-ion battery, and can be charged via